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Outside the School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! 2021-22

Our Teachers in Reception are:

Class Teacher - Mr Wood
Teacher support - Miss Simkiss
Curriculum overview
Year 5 Autumn 2022.jpg
Homework in Year 5.


  • As we get to Upper Key Stage 2 it is expected that children read at home every night to an adult. This should be recorded in their reading record when they have read.


  • Maths and English homework will be sent home each week and will need to be completed by the following week. Information on when it is set and needs to be completed by will be written in the children's diaries. There is plenty of opportunities to discuss their homework with a member of staff if they are finding something difficult. 


  • An additional piece of homework linked to other curriculum areas may be sent home also. Children will write down the hand in date in their school planners when this is the case.


  • Children will also need to practice their times table facts to ensure that they can rapidly recall these facts and to also aid their confidence.


  • Spellings will be sent home every Tuesday and this will be tested the following Tuesday.

PE information.

Year 5 have PE on a Monday and Wednesday.

Please ensure that your child has their full P.E kits in school.

All children should have black shorts, a red t-shirt and pumps. 

National Curriculum Expectations for Year 5
  • To find out what is expected of children in Year 5 please click here.

  • You can view the spellings that Year 5 children need to know here.

  • You can view the vocabulary, grammar and punctuation expectations here.


The Internet is fantastic but you need to be safe. To achieve this you need to be aware of dangers and follow a set of rules. The activities below will help to remind you of the rules and keep you safe when online.


OwnIT from BBC - Useful tips for staying connected and safe

CEOP Think U Know - Band Runner Game

Know IT All - Archived but still very useful

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